abstract class ViewModel::Base
- ViewModel::Base
- Reference
- Object
Included Modules
Defined in:
view_model/base.crInstance Method Summary
Macro Summary
Specifies layout file path (without extension).
Generates getters and constructor for the given properties.
Specifies template engine.
Inserts view content in a layout.
Instance methods inherited from module ViewModel::FormTags
checkbox_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)checkbox_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) checkbox_tag, content_tag(io : String::Builder, tag, html_options = SHash.new)
content_tag(tag, html_options : Hash = {} of String => String)
content_tag(io : String::Builder, tag, html_options = SHash.new, &block)
content_tag(tag, html_options : Hash = {} of String => String, &block) content_tag, date_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
date_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) date_tag, email_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
email_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) email_tag, file_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
file_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) file_tag, hidden_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
hidden_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) hidden_tag, label_tag(io : String::Builder, for : Symbol | String? = nil, html_options = SHash.new, &block)
label_tag(io : String::Builder, text, for : Symbol | String? = nil, html_options = SHash.new)
label_tag(text, for : Symbol | String? = nil, html_options = {} of String => String)
label_tag(for : Symbol | String? = nil, html_options = SHash.new, &block) label_tag, number_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
number_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) number_tag, password_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
password_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) password_tag, radio_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
radio_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) radio_tag, select_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, options : Array(Array), value = nil, html_options = SHash.new)
select_tag(name, options : Array(Array), value = nil, html_options = {} of String => String) select_tag, submit_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
submit_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) submit_tag, text_area_tag(io : String::Builder, name, text = "", html_options = {} of String => String)
text_area_tag(name, text = "", html_options = {} of String => String) text_area_tag, text_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
text_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) text_tag, time_tag(name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new)
time_tag(io : String::Builder, name : String | Symbol, value = nil, options = SHash.new) time_tag
Instance Method Detail
Macro Detail
macro layout(path)
Specifies layout file path (without extension).
Default is "src/views/layouts/layout"
macro model(*args)
Generates getters and constructor for the given properties.
Accepts splatted tuple of field declarations.
class Users::ShowView < ApplicationView
model user : User, page : Int32
# generates
# getter user : User, page : Int32
# def initialize(@user, @page, *args)
# super(*args)
# end