
To add authentication to your user model just use Jennifer::Model::Authentication module’s with_authentication macro:

require "jennifer/model/authentication"

class User < Jennifer::Model::Base
  include Jennifer::Model::Authentication


    id: Primary64,
    email: {type: String, default: ""},
    password_digest: {type: String, default: ""},
    password: Password,
    password_confirmation: { type: String?, virtual: true }

Password in the password field definition is actually Jennifer::Model::Authentication::Password constant which includes definition for virtual password attribute. It looks like:

Password = {
  type:    String?,
  virtual: true,
  setter:  false,

Mapping automatically resolves it to its definition. At the moment only top level non generic definition could be used, e.g. password: { type: Password } and password: Password? are not supported.

For authentication Crypto::Bcrypt::Password is used. This mechanism requires you to have a password_digest, password, password_confirmation attributes defined in your mapping. This attribute can be customized - with_authentication macro accepts next arguments:

  • password - presents string based raw password attribute name;
  • password_digest - presents string based encrypted password.

NOTE: password_confirmation attribute name is generated based on the password value + _confirmation.

The following validations are added automatically:

  • password must be present on creation;
  • password length should be less than or equal to 51 characters;
  • confirmation of password (using a password_confirmation attribute).

If password confirmation validation is not needed, simply leave out the value for password_confirmation (i.e. don’t provide a form field for it). When this attribute has a nil value, the validation will not be triggered.

user = "david")
user.password = ""
user.password_confirmation = "nomatch" # => false, password required

user.password = "mUc3m00RsqyRe" # => false, confirmation doesn't match
user.password_confirmation = 'mUc3m00RsqyRe' # => true

user.authenticate("notright")  # => false
user.authenticate("mUc3m00RsqyRe") # => user
User.all.where { _name == "david" }.first.try(&.authenticate("notright")) # nil
User.all.where { _name == "david" }.first.try(&.authenticate("mUc3m00RsqyRe")) # => User