ViewModel Build Status

ViewModel pattern implementation with simple and effective form builder and view helpers.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: imdrasil/

It uses kilt for template rendering so you also need to add template engine you want to use and require it as well.



Putting page rendering into action class ends with having fat helpers (like in rails) or putting a lot of view logic inside of templates. Also lack of native reusability in kilt makes you to define local variables with right name to be able to reuse them in a partials. Therefor much more suitable alternative is to have a separate class which encapsulates specific logic for a corresponding view. For such purpose this shard is created.

To do that load ViewModel

require "view_model"
require "kilt/slang" # or any other template engine supported by kilt

Create a base view class:

class ApplicationView < ViewModel::Base

By default layout path is "src/views/layouts/layout.slang" but this can be easily redefined by .layout macro:

class ApplicationView < ViewModel::Base
  layout "app/views/layouts/layout"
Pay special attention - layout path doesn't include file extension.

If you'd like to render your view without a layout - pass false as an argument.

Next define specified layout:

    title Page title
    - yield_content

yield_content macro is just a alias for yield(__kilt_io__) - it yields IO to view #content method which renders content.

Now we can specify a view class.

# src/views/posts/
module Posts
  class ShowView < ViewModel::Base
    model post : Post

    delegate :title, :content, to: post

.model macro creates getter for given attributes and generates constructor accepting them.

Content for a post object:

  h3 = title
  = content

By a convention this template file should be located in /, in our case it will be src/views/posts/show/content.slang.

For a view rendering .view macro can be used - just pass view name and required arguments:

view("posts/show", post)
# or for a collection
collection_view("posts/show", posts)


If you would like to define some shared templates or separate your view into several partials use .def_partial macro:

module SharedPartials
  include ViewModel::Helpers

  def_partial button, color

module Posts
  class ShowView < ApplicationView
    include SharedPartials

    def_partial body

If you need to define a module with partials - include ViewModel::Helpers module into it. .def_partial accepts partial name as a first argument and partial arguments as all others. All partial template paths are calculated same was as for content files of view objects. The only difference is that partial files name has a _ symbol prefix: src/views/shared_partials/_button.slang.

To render a partial use .render_partial macro:

  - render_partial :button, :read

Html helpers

Also this shard provides HTML helper methods. All methods are automatically included in ViewModel::Base.

Methods description:


To build form with automatically generated names and ids of inputs :

- build_form(:some_form, "/posts", :post) do |f|
    p here could be some other html
      - f.text_field :name
    - f.select_field :tag, [[1, "crystal"], [2, "ruby"]], 1
    - f.submit "Save"

.build_form macro creates ViewModel::FormBuilder and passes it to the block. Form builder provides a set of methods similar to ones described above. All inputs will get own id and class based on it's name.

All form builder methods manipulate __kilt_io__ directly and returns nil so it isn't important the way to call them: with -, = or ==.

If you specify a form method different from get and post - form builder will add additional hidden input with name _method for the given method and set current form method to post.


Also HTML helper includes .link_to macro. It allows to generate tag with all needed data.

== link_to "Show", "/posts/23", { "class" => "special-link" }

== link_to "/order/12" do
    b Open

If you want to make a link to do a non-GET request (e.g. delete button), you can specify method argument and additionally load libs/view_model/assets/view_model.js file.

== link_to "delete", "/comments/56", :delete


There are still a lot of work to do. Tasks for next versions:


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Please ask me before starting work on smth.

Also if you want to use it in your application (for now shard is almost ready for use in production) - ping me please, my email you can find in my profile.

To run test use regular crystal spec.
